Although lots of people say that this Department is Hardest one , But Really I enjoyed it =))
Hope to enjoy it also ;)
Before you decide which department you will choose, you should know courses in this department and whether you are curious to learn these courses or not!
Here is some information about Computer Science Department Courses:  

Image Processing

Do you know how digital image constructed?
What are parts of Digital Image?
What are kinds of Digital images?
How could you modify it?

An image is digitized to convert it to a form which can be stored in a computer's memory or on some form
of storage media such as a hard disk or CD-ROM. This digitization procedure can be done by a scanner, or by a video camera connected to a frame grabber board in a computer. Once the image has been digitized, it can be operated upon by various image processing operations.
 Image processing operations can be roughly divided into three major categories, Image Compression, Image Enhancement and Restoration, and Measurement Extraction.                


Are you chatting daily with your Friends?
Do you now the process of Chatting?
How could you connect multiple PCs to construct Local Network?
A computer network is a system in which computers are connected to share information 
and resources. The connection can be done as peer-to-peer or client/server.                                                              

Pattern Recognition

How could you suggest elements of One Image?
Do you remember Gaussian Equation , Meu , Sigma J ?
How could you recognize Arabic/English or even any language ?

Pattern Recognition in general is The act of taking in raw data and taking an action based on 
the category of the pattern found in the data.

Compilers Theory

Do you ever think about how C , C++ , …etc were constructed ?
How could you write your own Language?

Compiler construction is an area of computer science that deals with the theory and practice of developing programming languages and their associated compilers.
Compiling is simply the process to transform Source code written by Computer Language into another one J

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2 posts:

    entrümpelung wien said...

    شكرا لكم .. دائما موفقيين ..))

    entrümpelung wien

  1. ... on 26 September 2012 at 05:02  
  2. Manukrati Tiwari said... really helped me to acknowledge about basic thing related to computer and the connecting process through really nice!!!

  3. ... on 9 July 2013 at 00:44